Payment of guaranteed deposits for Atlas Bank will start tomorrow, 24.04.2019.

Payment of guaranteed deposits will start tomorrow, 24.04.2019. as of 10 am through the Crnogorska komercijalna bank, Hipotekarna bank, NLB Bank and Societe Generale Bank of Montenegro, the Deposit Protection Fund announced.

“With the maximum efforts of the Fund, we have ensured that the payment of guaranteed deposits for 90,015 depositors, who have a guaranteed deposit with Atlas Bank, will start tomorrow, April 24, at 10 o’clock in the branches of the banks we have selected as payer banks in a special procedure. These are: Crnogorska komercijalna Banka ad Podgorica, Hipotekarna Banka a.d. Podgorica, NLB Bank a.d. Podgorica and Societe Generale Montenegro Bank a.d. Podgorica.

Banks have designated 75 payout points in almost whole territory of Montenegro, so depositors will be able to take on a guaranteed deposit of their choice. Total deposits with Atlas Bank amount to € 186,435,113.42, ”said FZD Director Predrag Markovic. As he added, 93,688 depositors registered in the business records of Atlas Bank, 90,015 of them are entitled to payment of the guaranteed deposit in the total amount of 89,592,085.36.

For 85,910 physical persons deposits amount to € 77,332,406.12, while 4,105 legal entities have € 12,259,679.23.

3,260 depositors have higher liabilities than deposits. 413 depositors with a total amount of € 5,338,178.90 were excluded from the payment entitlement.



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