Three companies chosen as agents for Montenegrin passport for investment program

Alex capital partners, Arton group and Henley and Partners Government Services have been selected as brokering agents when applying for Montenegrin economic citizenship, the Government’s Secretariat for Development Projects has decided.

The decision on the choice of agents was made on Wednesday, with a 30-day deadline for drafting the contract, which the Government should then conclude with these companies.

“21 applications were received at the Secretariat for Development Projects, and another one was received after the deadline,” said the decision signed by the Secretary of the Secretariat, Dejan Medojevic.

The public call for the selection of mediation agents, announced on January 3, stipulated that only companies whose responsible persons had not been sentenced to imprisonment for more than a year and who had at least three years of experience in three countries, of which one in the European Union.

The decision on the criteria for acquiring Montenegrin citizenship for the purpose of realization of investments is in force from January 1 this year and on the basis of it, up to 2,000 Montenegrin passports will be issued on the basis of it in the next three years.


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